Dental Pain | 13 Toothache Remedies by Schaumburg IL

13 Home Remedies for Toothaches That Actually Work

Home Remedies For Toothaches

Do you have a toothache? You can’t sleep at night and your day is miserable because of the excruciating pain. Natural remedies can be surprisingly effective. Toothache relief is something that everyone can use, including home remedies for toothaches. From home remedies to toothache pain relief, here are the best ways to get rid of a toothache at home without paying too much money or causing any unnecessary harm. Schaumburg dentistry provides home remedies for toothaches that actually work.

It can be very painful, irritating, and frustrating to experience the discomfort of a toothache. However, despite the fact that everyone experiences it from time to time, it is actually quite common. The problem of toothache affects millions of people worldwide at some point and makes life more difficult than it needs to be.

Toothache remedies can be found everywhere from home remedies to toothache homeopathy treatments. There are many home remedies for toothaches that work, but not all of them will provide instant relief. Tooth pain relief is available in many home remedies. If you are looking for an alternative to painkillers, check out these 13 home remedies that can help ease toothaches with the prescriptions of our professional dentists.

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Home Remedies For Toothache


Home Remedies For Toothaches

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Toothaches

Here are 13 Home Remedies you can try

1. Ice

Numbing the pain of the tooth can be achieved through the application of ice to the area of pain. It is a technique that has many different versions. Apply ice to the affected area by wrapping it in a towel. Compress the area for 15 minutes at a time. In addition, you might try holding ice water in your mouth for a few seconds. It is not advisable to bite ice for it could cause a broken tooth.

2. Elevate Your Head

When you have a toothache, you may find it difficult to get to sleep, but lying down can aggravate your discomfort because the blood pressure to your head increases when you are lying flat. Try sleeping upright in your chair or putting pillows under your head when going to sleep.

3. Over the Counter Medications

Ibuprofen and aspirin are both anti-inflammatory drugs that can relieve pain. It is recommended to alternate Tylenol (Tylenol) and Advil (Advil) for better pain relief. There are also gels that can be applied directly to your teeth and gums to ease the pain. Gums hurt every time you brush teeth or chew gum, it’s important to stop and find out why. There are several home remedies for toothaches that can help you deal with the pain while you set up a time to see your dentist about getting treatment and prevent further problems from occurring in the future.

4. Salt Water Rinse

You can rinse your mouth with salt water for two reasons. The rinsing action can help to dislodge substances stuck between your teeth. Due to its natural disinfectant properties, salt can help reduce inflammation after infection. Put 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt in warm water and gargle it as if it were mouthwash.

5. Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

As well as attacking inflammation, hydrogen peroxide can also destroy bacteria. Mix one part of three percent hydrogen peroxide with two parts of water when using a hydrogen peroxide rinse. Be careful not to swallow the solution. This can be used as a mouthwash.

6. Tea Bags

The tea bag can be applied either cold or warm to your tooth. It is important to ensure that the used tea bag has cooled down after being used so that it is not hot, but also not cold. For a cold application, place an old teabag in the freezer and adhere it to your tooth for a few minutes.

Toothaches may be treated especially well with peppermint tea because of its ability to fight bacteria. You should not use this method too often because tea can stain your teeth.

The tea bag can be applied either cold or warm to your tooth. It is important to ensure that the used tea bag has cooled down after being used so that it is not hot, but also not cold. For a cold application, place an old teabag in the freezer and adhere it to your tooth for a few minutes.

Toothaches may be treated especially well with peppermint tea because of its ability to fight bacteria. You should not use this method too often because tea can stain your teeth.

7. Garlic

The antibacterial properties of garlic are also pain-relieving. Garlic can be crushed and turned into a paste that you can apply to your teeth. Garlic cloves can also be chewed or cotton balls can be soaked in garlic oil and placed on your teeth.

8. Vanilla Extract

The natural anti-inflammatory properties of vanilla can also help to numb toothache pain. You could apply a little bit to the affected area with a cotton swab or finger every few hours.

9. Clove

The spice can be used to relieve toothaches in several different ways. The antiseptic properties of clove help reduce inflammation and pain. Place a few drops of clove oil directly on your tooth, or put a cotton ball full of clove oil on your painful area. You can also use clove oil as a mouthwash by adding a drop of it to a glass of water.

10. Guava Leaves

Your aching tooth can be soothed by the anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties of guava leaves. As a remedy, you can make a tea from the leaves and let it cool so that you can rinse your mouth with it or chew the leaves to relieve pain.

11. Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass offers a number of benefits that make it a useful remedy for toothaches. Similar to many other treatments, it is effective as a treatment for bacterial infections. You can rinse your mouth with wheatgrass juice a couple of times a day.

12. Thyme

The oil of thyme can be applied directly to your teeth or used as a rinse. You can use oil as a mouthwash by mixing it in a glass of water and using that to rinse. Dilution is the key to applying oil to your teeth. Place a few drops of oil on a cotton ball, and place it on your tooth.

13. Toothache plant

An appropriately named flowering plant, the toothache plant grows in tropical and subtropical climates. An independent 2021 review of trusted sources attribute its anti-inflammatory properties to its active compound, spilanthol. This compound causes the teeth to feel numb when chewed.

  • However, this plant should not be used if:
  • Daisy plants cause an allergic reaction in you
  • You are an alcoholic.
  • You use diuretics
  • You have prostate cancer
  • There’s a baby inside you

If you’re reading this blog post, chances are that you’ve experienced a toothache at some point in your life. They can be as simple as an impacted wisdom tooth or as complex as an abscessed molar. Regardless of the cause, there is no shortage of home remedies for toothaches to help soothe those pangs and get rid of those aches. 

Schaumburg Dentistry got the services that can help you. All you need to do is to contact us today!: (847) 985-8100

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