Frequently Asked Questions

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The national average cost for Invisalign is over $5,000. Here at Schaumburg Dentistry the cost ranges from $2,999 for simple cases, to $3,599 for more complex cases. Consults are recommended to determine which level of difficulty your case would be. The cost of treatment includes all treatment start to finish, 1 free set of retainers, and free whitening. 

Depending on the complexity of the case, Invisalign can typically range from 4 months to 16 months, with the average case lasting between 6-8 months. 

Yes, Invisalign can correct your overbite, open bite, overjet, underbite, as well as crowding, spacing, rotated teeth, and improperly angled teeth. Take a look at our Before and After page to see some of our results!

The soreness during Invisalign typically peaks the first 2-3 days after starting treatment and improves drastically from there. The pain with Invisalign compared to traditional braces is much less, and only about half our patients will require 1-2 over the counter pain tablets throughout the course of their treatment. 

Most patients with tooth alignment issues (spacing, crowding, malocclusion, etc.)  are a candidate for Invisalign. If you’re unsure whether you’d be a candidate for Invisalign or not, call our office for a free consultation! (847) 985-8100

Your dentist develops a treatment plan that coordinates the exact movements of your teeth to finish in an ideal position. Clear plastic trays are then 3D printed and designed to apply specific forces to get the teeth moving as planned. Each tray shifts your teeth closer and closer to the end result, with new trays being inserted every 10 days.

General dentists are able to treat patients with Invisalign, and in fact, there are many benefits to this. Having Invisalign completed in the same office where you go for all your dental needs makes it easier and more convenient for the dentist to track your progress as you come in for cleanings or any other dental work that may be needed. Additionally, in complex cases where we need to create room for crowns or veneers, the doctor can place the teeth exactly where he needs them to be, thus allowing your case to have a more predictable outcome. 

Both options have their strengths. While traditional metal braces are sometimes necessary for more complex cases in growing teenagers, the benefit to Invisalign is that teeth can be planned and placed exactly where the doctor wants them to be utilizing digital technology. Invisalign has the added advantage of improved esthetics with clear trays instead of metal brackets and can have less of an impact on your daily routine. Patients are also able to keep their teeth cleaner without brackets and wires which allow food to get trapped.

Yes! This is one of the advantages to using Invisalign. The plastic can engage and move teeth without having to bond or attach anything to your previous dental work, unlike traditional braces where brackets have to be bonded to those teeth. In patients with implants or bridges, a special plan can be customized for you so that there are no excessive forces on those teeth. 

In order to be effective, the trays need to be worn for 20-22 hours a day. The trays should be worn while you are sleeping and throughout the day, however the only time the trays are to be taken out is to brush your teeth and to eat. Once you are done eating or brushing, the trays should be put back in.e Content

Since the Invisalign trays are taken out while eating, there usually aren’t any restrictions on what you can eat! Unlike traditional braces, you don’t have to worry about hard foods popping off metal brackets or wires poking you. 

Yes! You can drink coffee or tea while your Invisalign trays are in. In order to reduce stain buildup, we recommend drinking through a straw and brushing (or rinsing) your trays under water once you are done. We also recommend allowing your beverage to cool down slightly to prevent any heat damage to the plastic trays. 

You should continue to brush your teeth and trays at least twice a day, preferably right after your meal. Brushing three times a day isn’t necessary, but it may help prevent some stain buildup on the trays. 

Once your Invisalign treatment is complete, your doctor will scan your teeth and order a set of custom retainers. The retainers are to be worn every night in order to prevent the teeth from shifting back. These retainers are made of a clear plastic material similar to that of the Invisalign trays and work great to help prevent any tooth wear from nighttime clenching or grinding. 

The average lifespan of the retainers is about 3-5 years, but a lot depends on the patient. If the patient grinds their teeth while sleeping, the trays may wear down quicker. But for patients who have mild to no grinding, their trays can last well over 5 years. 

Assuming that oral hygiene is kept to an optimal level (brushing 2-3 times a day), the stain buildup during Invisalign treatment should be very minimal (if at all). Any stain that accumulates on the teeth is easily removed with our polishing kit at the end of treatment. We also supply our Invisalign patients with free whitening to give them a whiter smile! 

We call to verify insurance benefits for all patients interested in pursuing Invisalign treatment. If you have coverage, our front desk will lay out your payment plan based on what out-of-pocket expenses are left. If you don’t have coverage, our competitive pricing and in-office financing allows for affordable options to our patients. 

With Invisalign, you can wear virtually invisible aligners. No one will know they’re there and it is a seamless fit with your lifestyle as well! There’s no need for routine adjustments or removal during the day because these removable braces give patients complete freedom of movement while treating. 

Invisalign is the premier progressive aligner treatment without all the traditional limitations. There are no brackets or wires, so you can wear it comfortably in just one appointment and have longer results before adjustments are needed! You’ll also receive a virtual result of how your teeth will look after they’re done working together perfectly for every stage of treatment – something that’s impossible with other methods like braces where people need to return.

Invisalign has been offered for over 20 years, and with the extensive amount of research going into this product there are always new improvements to make treatment more effective and comfortable for patients! These improvements include ongoing enhancements to the scanning software, development of more effective attachments, new patented plastic only provided by Invisalign, and the ever-evolving digital treatment planning process. As the leader in clear aligner treatment, Invisalign continues to set the bar high and offer treatment unrivaled by its competitors.

Yes, spaces between teeth are easy to close with Invisalign. Consult an Invisalign Provider today and they can help you determine whether this treatment is right for your needs!

Wearing a retainer after any orthodontic treatment is an important step because it keeps teeth stable in their new positions. If you want your teeth to remain in the desired position, then wearing one as directed by Invisalign providers will be most effective for achieving this goal! Your last aligner may also serve as temporary retention until we determine what option works best with yours individually- a removable retainer worn at night time, a bonded retainer, or a combination of both.

Most patients report having no effect on their speech. However, as with traditional orthodontic appliances, there is an initial adjustment period that they must go through while adapting to this new device in the mouth.

The best way to clean your aligners is by brushing and rinsing them in lukewarm water. You can also use the Invisalign Cleaning Crystals or special cleaning tablets if you have sensitive teeth, but be sure not to forget about maintaining proper hygiene with a toothbrush after each meal!

With Invisalign, you can enjoy the benefits of a straight smile without all those unsightly metal brackets and wires. The process is much more discreet than traditional braces as well! If your teeth are bothering you or not affect it’s time for new adult dental technology like this innovative treatment option, it might be a perfect fit.

The virtually invisible aligners are made of strong medical-grade thermoplastic material, custom-designed for you and your teeth. These invisible braces make it easy to get a perfect smile without any discomfort or pain! Invisalign’s smartrack® plastic is specifically engineered for a more comfortable fit and a more predictable treatment outcome.

The majority of adults and adolescents who want a better smile can be treated with Invisalign by an Invisalign provider with experience. Invisalign Teen may be the right option if you have a teenager. Ask your Invisalign Provider if this option is right for your child.

With Invisalign, your appointments are generally the same every four to six weeks. But with no adjustments needed on wires or brackets during these visits because of how it’s designed in comparison to traditional braces; you can go less time at the dentist overall and get straight ahead faster without wasting any precious minutes! Patients typically visit their provider every 4-6 weeks for a checkup where they’ll receive some more aligners as well until their treatment plan is complete – but this will depend upon what type of progress has been made by then.

There may be some conditions which result in either a longer treatment duration or limited tooth movements, but rarely will a condition exist that excludes a patient from Invisalign treatment. A conversation with your Invisalign provider will be needed to discuss expectations and any special considerations towards your treatment.

TMD (Temporomandibular disorder) is a disorder of the jaw joint, supporting jaw muscles and/or the nerves of the face. If the teeth and joints are not in harmony with each other, this can result in TMD. In many cases by improving the bite and allowing the teeth and joints to work in harmony, the TMD symptoms experienced by a patient may actually be improved! However, in some cases where there are nerve issues or joint damage, Invisalign may not result in improvement of those symptoms. For a more thorough evaluation, a consultation with your Invisalign Provider is recommended.

Invisalign is a great option for patients who have previously had braces. The teeth shifting that can occur after these treatments, or when your bite changes over time and leaves you with an unwanted result in the form of misaligned teeth has been corrected by Invisalign’s durable quality and ability to treat even more severe cases than was possible before its invention!

We have treated many cases where patients have made the switch from metal braces to Invisalign. However, we recommend consulting with your Invisalign Provider prior to making this decision.

Smoking is discouraged while wearing aligners because it could stain or discolor the product.

Aligners are designed to keep your teeth in perfect position while you sleep, but it’s important not to chew gum or brush with toothpaste as these can cause sticky residue. Gum chewing is not recommended while undergoing Invisalign treatment. It is best if they’re removed for all meals and snacks so that nothing gets stuck between them!

The Invisalign Cleaning System is a great alternative to brushing your trays multiple times daily. It ensures that the aligners are clean and disinfected, which in turn helps promote dental health by reducing plaque buildup on teeth.”

To use the system, you place your Invisalign aligner trays in warm water and add Cleaning Crystals. You gently shake it to evenly distribute them throughout before letting everything sit for about 15 minutes (or less if desired). Then just give another quick stir with no need to rinse off since all of that residue will come off on its own!

Cleaning your teeth may seem like an unnecessary task, but it’s very important. Thankfully there are many ways to keep your smile as clean and healthy as life with Invisalign! You can use the cleaning system if you want; just be sure to brush regularly too- some studies have found that a mixture of both methods works best at keeping them straight.

It’s easy to find places that sell Invisalign Cleaning Crystals. You can purchase them from online stores like, or you can even ask your dentist to provide you with some. You can also ask your dentist what other methods are recommended for keeping your trays clean.

Yes, that is what people love about Invisalign. The aligners are easy to put in and remove, they’re comfortable enough for long-term wear (though you may have some soreness at first), there aren’t any sharp edges or brackets digging into your gums while wearing them so it doesn’t hurt as traditional braces do and because these things can be removed without needing metal wires fixed deep within your mouth.

The most important of the Invisalign FAQs is what kind of problems can it treat? The most common issues are a gapped tooth, overbite where upper teeth protrude too far past their lower counterparts, and an open bite where all your teeth aren’t aligned properly. Other things that might need fixing with this type of braces include overcrowding in both spaces for more pearly whites as well as crowd control!

Yes, when your TMD is due to misaligned teeth Invisalign can help. If you are experiencing teeth pain and discomfort in addition to other symptoms consult with an Invisalign provider about fixing the alignment of teeth so that it functions more effectively for overall health benefits!

Today’s Invisalign technology has come a long way. Most alignment issues can be treated with it, but sometimes if you have complicated oral health or severe cases of misalignment that are untreated for too long, an alternative might not work out well.

If you have had gum disease or receding gums, your orthodontist may not recommend Invisalign. It’s best to get an evaluation from a trusted specialist who can determine which treatment option is right for your condition that needs work most urgently–and in turn what might be more suitable than another procedure altogether!

Additionally, Invisalign may not be appropriate for very young patients whose jaws and teeth have a lot of growing left to do. We want to make sure that no corrective action is needed later in life.

In order for Invisalign treatment to be successful, patients must be wearing their trays for at least 20-22 hrs a day. When the trays are kept out for longer durations than this, the teeth can begin to relapse back to their original position, leading to a longer treatment time and lack of progress.

Attachments are little tooth colored “buttons” that are temporarily added to the teeth during your Invisalign treatment. These little buttons help the trays grip the teeth better and allow them to move the teeth more effectively, resulting in a better outcome in a shorter amount of time.

The Invisalign buttons are a way for patients with some trouble shifting teeth to get the extra pressure they need. They come in different shapes and sizes, but most often they look like small tooth-colored dots on top of your real ones or just below where you can feel them without any pain when pressing down gently – this is what creates more force between ourselves and our aligners so that everything will shift better together!

Invisalign comes in a variety of types, including:

  • Invisalign Full is the most common type of Invisalign. Complex bite problems can be treated with it. It usually takes about 12-18 months to wear top and bottom aligners throughout this procedure.
  • For less complex issues, Invisalign Lite is better. The procedure is also faster than getting cosmetic dentistry work, such as veneers or crowns before you have your teeth straightened.
  • With Invisalign i7, you can get your straight teeth in the least amount of time. Because you can focus on just those crooked teeth or minor crowding issues, it is perfect if you have just one or two crooked teeth. If your teeth have already been straightened, but have also begun to reposition themselves, this is another option.
  • For teens who wear braces, but do not want to feel embarrassed by the sight of metal braces, Invisalign Teen is an excellent choice. This type of aligner is designed to deal with this growth during the teen years. To make sure your teen wears these aligners for enough hours every day, they have a compliance indicator that fades from blue to clear.

There are some differences between each type in what they treat, so it is best to talk to your orthodontist about what you need.

Listed  below are a few of the most common accessories that will make it easier for you to adjust to your Invisalign. They include:

  • Orthodontic Wax– Although Invisalign aligners are usually much more comfortable to wear, you can still sometimes feel sore from the aligners and any attachments an orthodontic specialist might have attached to your teeth to straighten your smile.
  • Aligner Retrieval Tools– Learning how to get your aligners in and out of your mouth can take some time, but there are tools available that can help you get the aligners in and out of your mouth more quickly and to make sure your aligners are placed properly. Make sure it is made of surgical stainless steel so that you can keep it clean and it will last as long as possible.
  • Invisalign Chewies– There are also Chewies, which help you to switch between aligners. Usually, you can buy two of them per pack.
  • Travel Oral Hygiene Kit/Storage Case Combo– Invisalign braces are most likely to be used in conjunction with a storage case that serves double duty as an oral hygiene kit. It is important to be prepared because you will be wearing the aligners for 20 to 24 hours a day and removing them at different times of the day. When you remove your aligners from your mouth, you must store them in a discreet place and carry all your cleaning supplies and tools with you because when you take out your aligners, you must clean your teeth and gums, as well as your aligners. You will appreciate being able to take all of this with you on the go.
  • Cleansing Towelettes and Sprays– Buying a cleansing towelette is a quick way to clean and freshen up your aligners without having to rinse them out. You can simply wipe them down without rinsing them out. For Invisalign and retainer cleaning, you can get a spray instead of a towelette.

Cleaning Crystals– By providing a cleaning system, Invisalign simplifies dental hygiene. Cleaning crystals can be purchased either from Invisalign or your orthodontic office if you do not want to brush your trays. It takes about 15 minutes to soak the trays in water and mix in the crystals. Just rinse them under warm water, and they are ready! Clean aligners!

The Invisalign teeth aligners are made of clear plastic, and people would have to look hard at their teeth to spot them. However, most will never know that you’re wearing these unless you tell them!

Invisalign treatment is less expensive than traditional metal braces, and it can cost anywhere between $2,800-$4,800. For this price, you get clear teeth in a shorter amount of time with no interference from brackets or wires!

Invisalign is a popular teeth-straightening option for many people. Most dental insurances will cover at least part of your Invisalign treatment, usually up to 50% or even 100%. The most common types that provide coverage include Delta Dental, Metlife, Cigna, Guardian, AETNA, Humana, Assurant, United Healthcare, and United Concordia.

Dental experts agree that if you are sick and can’t wear your aligners the required amount of time for a few days, it will not completely ruin your treatment plan. Just try wearing them as much as possible while also following any instructions given to make sure they fit correctly every day- even if this means going back earlier on in terms of progression from one set/level up; just don’t move onto an additional level until things have been figured out with what is currently happening at home (i.e., forgetting snacks between meals). In addition, let orthodontists know about all these changes so he or she may adjust accordingly!

When you are looking for the perfect Invisalign provider, there is more than just their orthodontic expertise that should be considered. Their treatment success rate and patient satisfaction with them can also provide peace of mind when it comes to your oral health care needs!

A skilled dentist treats patients very differently from other professionals in our society because they understand how much work goes into making sure every tooth looks its best through metal braces or clear aligners like Invisalign.

You know what they say: practice makes perfect! For best results, you need to follow all the instructions of your orthodontist and wear aligners every day for a prescribed amount of time. You’ll also want some retainers after Invisalign treatment so that teeth stay straightened out permanently- but don’t worry about it being uncomfortable since these things are made with comfortable rubber bands in mind. This will give us our beautiful new smile back again plus more!!

Straightening your teeth might be the answer to a better smile, but it could also change how you look. Your face and facial profile will most likely get thicker or less smoothly curved when straighter than before; this happens because there are more angles for gravity to pull on in that area of space (a jaw). If anything seems off about either thing with what’s going through orthodontic treatment- talk immediately! These professionals know exactly which features need adjusts based on where they’re oriented within our body.

No, Invisalign is a great way to prevent and treat tooth decay while also preventing bone loss. The Invisalign technology works by straightening your teeth, which makes it easier for you to keep them clean and healthy with regular brushing or flossing!

Dentures can be a great help for people who suffer from dental pain. The discomfort caused by shifting teeth, pressure on your jaw or neck, and earaches may go away with the use of denture remediation procedures such as adjustments in alignment to relieve some tension headaches that are often related to this problem

Dentists recommend getting new retainers every three months because they wear down over time; however, sometimes patients forget about them until there’s noticeable wear (too far gone).

Invisalign began as an idea from Stanford University student Zia Chishti during his orthodontic treatment with traditional metal braces. He wanted to see if he could create aligners similar in function and effectiveness that would work just as well or better than they do when it comes time for retainer use!

To bring his idea to fruition, he teamed up with Kelsey Wirth and eventually also brought Apostolos Lerios and Brian Freyburger onto their project. The four of them cofounded Align Technology in 1997. Align Technology is headquartered in San Jose, CA. The aligners are made in Juarez, Mexico. Today, there are several different types of Invisalign aligners to choose from.

Orthodontists offer Invisalign. At your regular dental checkup, your dentist will usually recommend that you get checked out by an orthodontist. Choosing an orthodontist you feel comfortable with will allow him or her to evaluate your specific alignment dilemma and make recommendations specifically tailored to you.

You should keep a few considerations in mind when choosing an orthodontic specialist. If the company is a top-tier provider, ask for proof. They have more experience in treating Invisalign patients if they possess a higher certification level. The best way to make sure you are in good hands during a medical procedure is to make sure you have the best care possible.

It is important to make sure their policies and schedules suit your needs. Can you make appointments at their office? Is it possible to arrange for a payment plan? Are they equipped with the specific gear you need?

With the advancement of Invisalign, aesthetics don’t have to be sacrificed. Metal and ceramic braces were once an option for orthodontic care but now they’re not so popular because kids are more appearance-focused than before. Teens especially can find metal mouthpieces uncomfortable which took away from their sense of beauty in this area–but new technologies make these worries obsolete!

Metal braces were once the only option for orthodontic care, but they have been replaced by more flexible and comfortable Invisalign. With these teeth-straightening devices, you can eat all the ice cream in front of your friends without worrying about wires pushing against gums or metal brackets chipping away at grout work around sinks!

With these braces, you can remove them on your own for short periods. For instance, when eating or drinking something without worry about causing damage to the orthodontic work done with Invisalign no barriers are preventing a proper cleaning and flossing regimen so that all stay healthy!

Unlike metal braces, Invisalign is a more comfortable experience. With clear acrylic resin teeth that won’t damage the inside of your mouth and a smooth finish for no sharp edges to bother you during treatment time; this type of system may be just what patients need!

With Invisalign, you can get the desired results but in a way that is gentler on your teeth and without any restrictions to food. Orthodontic care has become more comfortable overall because of this improvement!

The best thing about Invisalign is that even though it’s a gentler process than conventional metal braces, you only have to wear these for 1-2 years. Metal Braces can take 3 or more years on average while wearing them and having the same results in one half as opposed to two-thirds of time like with your regular appliances!

With Invisalign, you don’t have to go through any trial-and-error because everything is planned out ahead of time using special software. This means that your teeth will be straight and there’s less room for guesswork when it comes to how they look in general!

The Invisalign clear aligners have been used by more than 10 million people and 1.4 million teens to transform their smiles!

All Invisalign aligner and retainer materials are made of medical-grade, high molecular weight thermoplastic polymers. These polymer compounds were selected for use in both types because they meet several criteria that make them biocompatible as well as safe to wear around your teeth long term without causing damage or inflammation inside the human body – tests show this type passes all applicable regulatory thresholds by being approved by FDA guidelines!

Based on our current knowledge and testing of the raw materials used in their manufacture, we are not aware of any latex or parabens were present. We will continue to investigate this further though as it may be an issue with other ingredients being added at different points during production which could lead us astray!

In addition, there’s no evidence that phthalates (a type of plasticizer found naturally within plastics) have been included throughout all steps from sourcing up until packaging for these aligners/retainers; however, they do emit BPA when heat-sealed – meaning you should always consult your doctor before using them.

Dentists must attend and complete a 4-hour training seminar to treat patients with Invisalign. Not only that but Align Technology also provides many opportunities for both online and live continuing education so you can stay up on all the latest trends in dentistry!

No. An orthodontist provides the same standard care as a general dentist when it comes to Invisalign because its treatment is planned and guided using advanced 3-D computer technology. $500 million is the value of this proprietary software.

Align Technology, Inc., the company that manufactures Invisalign, was founded in 1997.

Acidic drinks like coffee and tea can accelerate the effects of wear. We recommend that you don’t drink hot beverages while wearing your aligners so as not to damage them or stain your teeth with acid residue from these types of drinks, which will cause cavities in time!

You should remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water. Leaving them on while the teeth are exposed to sugary fluids may cause tooth decay, so be sure you take them off when consuming food with sugar in it!

It’s amazing how well Invisalign aligners stay in place. They’re designed to fit firmly on your teeth, so even if you are sleeping or talking loudly they will not come off of their own accord!

It’s important to follow the treatment plan developed by your dentist so that you can achieve a healthy mouth. Your doctor will determine how long they want for treatments and when it is the best time between appointments depending on several considerations such as tooth spacing if retention placement will be necessary.

You can get Invisalign treatment worldwide, and your treatment is transferable to another doctor if you want to continue with it. Consult your current doctor for more information.

The aligners are made of non-toxic, medical-grade plastic and can be worn during pregnancy. If you’re concerned about the health impacts on mom or baby, please consult your healthcare provider before use!

Please speak with your doctor, as he or she may need to fully remove the stained attachments and replace them. It’s better not to do this alone!

Aligners are a type of teeth straightener that can make your smile brighter. If you have crooked or misaligned Teeth, an aligner might be the best option for correcting them! Alignment devices grip onto tooth surfaces and attach to other components like attachments placed on each patient’s mouth by doctors who specialize in this area. The bumps provide traction while ridges help hold it securely; they’re used together with small wells known as “attachments” which would otherwise remain unseen if not visible through X-rays.

If you’re looking for an orthodontist, don’t worry about getting referrals from your dentist. They may give out a referral if they think that special treatment is needed or want to refer general dental work done in conjunction with their expertise on teeth alignment issues like tooth extractions and implants when necessary.

Providers who submit historical Invisalign cases over a defined time are assigned the Invisalign volume-based tier designations (e.g. Platinum Elite (PE), Platinum (P), Diamond (D), and Black Diamond (BD). Tier systems cannot reflect the clinical skills or experience of an orthodontic doctor. No dental association recognizes the Invisalign provider tier levels as specialties, nor does their existence guarantee any particular treatment outcome or proficiency in orthodontics or dentistry. Patients can use an Invisalign provider’s volume-based tier designation in their decision-making process about whether they wish to receive treatment with Invisalign. When choosing a practice and provider for your Invisalign treatment, you should always use your judgment. Invisalign treatment may also have a clinical difference depending on many factors such as the condition of your teeth, compliance, as well as the expertise of your doctor.

Since Invisalign treatment is customized to you, pricing and terms are set by each doctor. As you change doctors, be sure that your account with the current clinic has been settled before starting any new ones as they may have different policies for payments or costs involved in getting started on an upcoming appointment timeline.

Please see here for a list of Invisalign-trained doctors in your area. Invisalign-trained doctors who have completed our training will receive a certificate for the course completion that you can look out for in the clinic.

All Invisalign products are designed to be as invisible and comfortable as possible, no matter where they’re manufactured. The company’s global headquarters are located in California with a manufacturing operation unit also based out of Juarez Mexico for increased efficiency!

Consultation fees vary from doctor to doctor. Some may offer free initial assessments while others charge a fee, so you should check with the individual practitioner about their rates beforehand.

The cost for Invisalign treatment varies depending on the consultation needed, and it will also depend on how many teeth you want to straighten. Your dentist can give more accurate pricing guidelines based on this information as well!

If you notice a sharp pain or have significant discomfort, stop using the aligners and contact your Invisalign-trained doctor. Do not resume wearing them until after receiving medical attention from an experienced professional!

It’s important to visit your doctor regularly for the best treatment outcomes. If you need additional aligners due to travel periods, speak with them about how often and in what quantities during those times will work best so that we can keep track of things together!

If you end up losing a tray, contact the dentist or orthodontist who imaged your teeth. They will send one new set of clear aligners in the mail directly and it’s worth noting that going without them for too long could impede progress towards straighter teeth (though this isn’t likely if all went smoothly). If possible use previous trays until new ones arrive so there are no hiccups along the way!

Depending on your situation, you may need to complete more or less work. There is a possibility that you may have to have some teeth extracted due to overcrowding. As long as you don’t have overcrowding, the only prep necessary is your doctor applying some attachments to your teeth, or “bumps.” This composite material is what makes the small bumps on your teeth look so realistic. For your teeth to move, these grips enable your aligners to move. Since these composite materials match the color of your teeth, the process is completely painless.

If you invest in Invisalign or any other dental treatment, always follow your care provider’s instructions. It takes at least 20-22 hours each day to effectively guide teeth into desired positions with them so be sure not only to wear the aligners during waking hours but also sleep while wearing them!

Invisalign has been a game-changer when it comes to straightening and aligning teeth. Unlike tooth whitening trays, Invisalign is designed for orthodontic patients who want their mouths ready at all times so that they can enjoy eating everything in sight after treatment completion without the pain associated with other custom-made treatments like braces or veneers

In addition, getting your grill greasy won’t be an issue anymore because these invisible dental appliances make sure every bite tastes as delicious as possible!

It is best to change your new aligners every week or two weeks for you must wear them not only to look good but also to stay intact.