Dental Anxiety: Don't Let It Prevent You From Receiving Care

Dental Anxiety: Don’t Let It Prevent You From Receiving Care

Don't Let Dental Anxiety Prevent You From Getting Care

Anxiety is a common emotion that a variety of factors can trigger. Dental anxiety can be caused by a fear of pain, needles, or the unknown regarding dental care. Anxiousness, for whatever reason, can prevent you from receiving necessary dental care. You can overcome your fear and receive the best dental care service with the assistance of Schaumburg Dentistry.


Don’t let fear keep you from getting the dental care you require. You can reduce your anxiety and make your next dental visit more comfortable by preparing ahead of time. To schedule a visit, please contact (847) 985-8100 or send us an email.

Dental Anxiety And Dental Phobia

Many people have a real and severe fear of going to the dentist. It can be very crippling, making it hard for people to get the dental care they need. Even going to the dentist can cause a lot of stress for some people.


There are many reasons why someone might get scared of the dentist. It could be because of something terrible that happened in the past, like a painful or scary procedure. It could also be because you are afraid of needles or other medical procedures in general. No matter what causes dental phobia, it can affect a person’s life.


There are many ways to deal with a fear of the dentist. Some people may decide not to go to the dentist at all. It can cause severe problems with their teeth in the long run. Others may try to be brave and go to the dentist, but this can be very stressful and make them anxious.


The good news is that there are ways to help people afraid of dentists. It is possible to get over this fear and get the dental care you need with the help of a trained therapist. If you think you might have a fear of dentists, don’t be afraid to ask for help. It could make a big difference in how healthy your teeth are.


If you fear the dentist, you must know you’re not the only one. There are a lot of people who feel the same way you do. There are also ways to overcome your fear of the dentist so you can get the care you need.


Talking to your dentist about your fear is the first step. Many dentists understand and care about their patients who fear the dentist. They might be able to give you something to help you relax or make other changes to make your visit more comfortable.


Many things can help you overcome your fear of the dentist. People who fear the dentist can find books, articles, and support groups. As you work through your fear, you can get information and help from these resources.


If you have a dental phobia, don’t let it keep you from getting the care you need. Talk to your dentist and explore the resources available to you. With help, you can overcome your fear and get the dental care you deserve.

The Importance Of Getting Dental Care

Even though dental care is essential for overall health, many people don’t go to the dentist because they are afraid of it. There is a real thing called “dental phobia,” and it’s thought that about 15% of Americans have it.


Some people may be able to deal with their fear of the dentist and still go to the dentist regularly. Others may let their fear keep them from ever going to the dentist.


It cannot suit you if you don’t go to the dentist. You could get gum disease, cavities, or even mouth cancer if you don’t care for your teeth and gums. Also, research has linked poor oral health to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other serious health problems.


The good news is that there are ways to handle dental phobia so that it doesn’t keep you from getting the care you need. Talk to your dentist about your fear of the dentist if you have it. They can help you find ways to deal with your anxiety so that you can get the dental care you need.


People who are afraid of dentists can also get help from various sources. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research has information about how to find a dentist who specializes in helping people with dental anxiety. The American Dental Association has a list of resources that can help.


Don’t let your fear of the dentist keep you from getting the necessary care. There are ways to deal with your anxiety to get the care you need and keep your teeth in good shape.


Call our office today to make an appointment if you’re ready to take the first step. We’ll work with you to ensure you’re comfortable and at ease during your visit. We’ll also give you the high-quality dental care you need to keep a healthy smile.

How To Overcome Your Dental Phobia


If you’re one of the many people nervous about going to the dentist, you may wonder how to get over it. It’s normal to feel a little nervous when going to the dentist. Some people’s anxiety can be so bad that it keeps them from getting the dental care they need. If this sounds like something you’ve heard before, don’t worry. Between 30 and 40 million Americans have some kind of dental anxiety.


There are many ways to deal with your fear of the dentist and get the care you need. Here are some suggestions:

Steps To Getting Over Dental Anxiety In 2022
Steps To Getting Over Dental Anxiety In 2022

1. Talk To Your Dentist About Your Anxiety

The first step is communicating with your dentist about your fears and concerns. It will help them understand your needs and develop a plan to make your experience as comfortable as possible.

2. Choose A Dentist Who Specializes In Treating Anxious Patients

If you don’t feel comfortable with your current dentist, you might want to look for another one. These dentists are trained to deal with anxious patients and often go out of their way to make you feel comfortable.

3. Take Advantage Of Sedation Dentistry

If you have a lot of anxiety, you might consider going to the dentist with sedation. They use drugs to help you relax during dental work. There are different kinds of sedation, so talk to your dentist about your options.

4. Distract Yourself During Dental Procedures

If you can, try to focus on something other than the procedure itself. Bring a portable music player and listen to music. You can also bring a book or magazine to read while you’re in the dental chair.

5. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Try practicing some relaxation techniques before your appointment. It includes deep breathing or visualization. These can help to calm your nerves and ease your anxiety.

6. Talk Therapy

Suppose your anxiety is severe and impacts your quality of life. In that case, you may want to consider seeking out counseling or therapy. A therapist can help you understand and manage your anxiety healthily.

7. Medication

In some cases, they may recommend medication to help manage dental anxiety. Your dentist or doctor can prescribe medication if they believe it is necessary.

8. Numbing Agents

Suppose you’re worried about pain during dental procedures. In that case, your dentist may use a local anesthetic to numb the area around your teeth. It can help to ease your anxiety and make the procedure more comfortable.

Dental Appliances
Dental Appliances

9. Dental Appliances

Sometimes, your dentist may recommend using a dental appliance. It includes a bite plate or splint during the procedures. This can help to ease your anxiety by preventing you from feeling the instruments.

10. Hypnosis

Hypnosis is sometimes used to help people overcome their fears and anxiety. There is no scientific evidence that hypnosis is effective for treating dental anxiety. But, some people find it helpful.

11. Visit The Dentist Regularly

One of the best ways to manage dental anxiety is to visit the dentist regularly. It can help you get used to the dentists’ office and reduce your fear of dental procedures.

12. Get A Cleaning During Your First Visit

If you’re anxious about getting a dental procedure, consider getting a cleaning during your first visit. It can help you get used to the dentist’s office and reduce your fear of future operations.

13. Talk To Your Dentist About Your Anxiety

If you’re struggling with dental anxiety, talk to your dentist about it. They can offer suggestions on ways to make your experience more comfortable.

14. Use Relaxation Techniques During Dental Procedures

If you can, try to focus on something other than the dental procedure itself. Bring a portable music player and listen to music. You can also bring a book or magazine to read while you’re in the dental chair.

15. Take Breaks During Dental Procedures

Be sure to tell your dentist if you feel anxious or overwhelmed during a dental procedure. They can offer breaks as needed to help you feel more comfortable.


Dental anxiety is a common problem, but it doesn’t have to prevent you from getting the dental care you need. If you’re struggling with anxiety, talk to your dentist about ways to overcome your fear. With the right approach, you can get the care you need without feeling anxious or stressed.


Look for and choose a better dentist near you, like Schaumburg Dentistry. We will give you the best experience you will feel, and that will help you ease your fear or dental anxiety. You can check our different services here. If you have questions, contact us at (847) 985-8100 or email us.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Fear, anxiety, or stress associated with a dental setting is referred to as “dental anxiety.” Fear of going to the dentist can cause people to put off or avoid getting dental care. Dental anxiety can be triggered by things like needles, drills, or the setting in general.

Whether you’ve had negative experiences in the past or have a phobia, what you’re experiencing is completely normal. But fear does not have to rule your life when you visit the dentist. Allowing your dentist and staff to know you’re nervous will go a long way toward ensuring you have the best experience possible.

Your dentist may prescribe anti-anxiety medication, such as diazepam (Valium), for you to take one hour before your scheduled appointment. Conscious sedation, such as nitrous oxide (or “laughing gas”), may also be recommended by your dentist.

Fear of the dentist is extremely common, with surveys estimating that it affects 13% to 24% of people worldwide. Dental anxiety is distressing but not disabling for many people.

Anxiety medications may be prescribed before and during the dental procedure if the patient is extremely anxious. For this type of sedation (such as the root canal procedure), Valium or Xanax are sometimes given the night before the procedure.

Many people avoid going to the dentist because they have bad teeth or chronic dental problems. If you’re one of them, don’t worry; there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Being stressed, anxious, or depressed about your oral health is not the same as having oral anxiety. Instead, oral anxiety refers to the effects that these mental health issues have on your oral health.